Personal Training

PT Information:
Individual Coaching: 30- min sessions of one on one time + 15 mins of cardio/stretching/mobility. Full focus on you.
Buddy Sessions: 30- min sessions of one on two time + 15 mins of cardio/stretching/mobility with a partner to increase rest time and hold each other accountable.
Pricing: $40 per individual session $60 per buddy session Flexible scheduling
Trainor Bio
Andrew is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an ACSM-certified personal trainer. He is uniquely equipped to guide individuals of all backgrounds and abilities toward optimal health and well-being.
With a comprehensive understanding of exercise science and rehabilitation principles, his approach combines the best of both worlds to create holistic and effective training programs. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, striving for weight management, or aiming for peak performance. Andrew will tailor training programs that address specific needs and align with personal goals.
Family Physical Therapy & Fitness Center, helping you age without pain.